Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Football vs Baseball

Today I was reading some of the other blogs  on the  and I came across one written about how excited someone said they are for football . I understand that football is now the most watched sport in america and baseball can no longer claim the title as the national pastime and that understandable but for you to sit there and say that all summer that it has been all about the lockout then you are missing something if you call yourself a sports fan I dont know what team you like but the Mets have made this a great summer for me so far and the only reason that they lockout had you excited was ESPN was feeding it to you 24-7 and even if your not a Mets fan there has been plenty to buzz in baseball besides the Mets here in south florida the Marlins at times give hope to the fans , with new park coming it might help them are we forgetting the fun that has been in Cleveland as a team that has been in medicority for years now aquired a number 1 guy and is going for it,even the lowly guys in Pittsburgh have brought fans back to that great baseball city. There are so many great stories that are in baseball now to say that NFL is just perfect your wrong there are just as many bad teams in the NFL as in MLB Lions Panthers Browns Miami Bills Bengals and I can go on . Preseason is not fun to watch at all and with the lame ass practices these players have wonder how great the NFL season would be with a huge rash or injuries Like I said baseball may not be number 1 but talk to me when October rolls around and I will be loving my baseball and meaningful games in the NFL.

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